An Integrated Creative Studio. Founded by a lady from Bangkok.
Phil Cleaver – What they didn't teach you in design school
“Accept the things as they are, then create how you would like them to be.”
— Mervyn Kurlansky
“Open your mind to all possibilities do not be afraid to fall and work damn hard. Sleep in an afterthought... and don’t forget your pen!”
— Miranda Thorne
“In design, you’re packaging design, a print designer, or a web designer. In advertising, you’re an art director, copywriter, typo or finished art.”
— Phil Cleaver
“Remove the headphones and unplug the computer true inspiration comes from life. Real life. Not some pixelated version of it. And remember, it takes interesting people to produce interesting work”
— Sir John Hegarty
“The solution comes from understanding the problem”
— Alan Fletcher to Vyv Thomas
“Great graphic design is the transformation of a big idea into an unforgettable message”
— Phil Cleaver
“The right thinking first, the right design will follow”
— Pauline Larkin
“Beautiful typography is like looking at a great painting or photograph; everything you see and feel is in the right place and leaves you feeling awe”
— Alan Morden
“Never forget you pencil. Learn to read, think, listen, see, and draw”